These first 3 photos are courtesy of Katie Knight-Maiuri). Katie Knight's birthday party January, 1966. Beginning with the girl in the blue sweater and going clockwise: Suzy Nunno, Beth Daly, Beth Perdue, Janet Kelly, Katie Knight (birthday girl), Mary Hensel, Karen Eide, Ann Rimmer, Cara Worthington & Betsy Kline. What a table - the 5th grade guys would've killed to be that party!
Karen Eide during one of our many field trips. This trip was to the Central Park Zoo.
Ricky Flannery - age 5 during Halloween at my grandmothers house! I was Emmett Kelly for Halloween that year (kindergarten).
Above from l to r: Beth Daly, Jill Neandross (center) and Katie Knight. They were in the Glen School gym to watch Beth's younger sibling's in a show that night. (Picture taken by Sam Silvers)
Above from l to r: Katie Knight, Beth Daly and Jill Stanley-Brown at one the Silvers' movie nights. All 3 girls lived on Roslyn Road. (Picture taken by Sam Silvers)
Above is at my house. From front l to r: Jimmy O'Brien, Ricky Flannery, Bruce Meneghin & Kent Meneghin. We never had a shortage of things to do in the neighborhood.
Ricky Flannery hamming it up in front of our house circa 1959.
Above is Glen School alum Andy Wright about age 5. Andy lived on Salem Lane. (Courtesy of Andy Wright)
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