Sunday, July 19, 2009

Roslyn Road & Salem Ridge Gang Blog!

The above photo is one of many you'll find at the Roslyn Road & Salem Ridge Gang website. This particular photo is at the Silvers' house on "Movie Night". Katie Knight, Trisha Daly, Stanley-Brown's, Beth Daly, Lis Ege, Margaret Silvers among others are pictured.

You just have to checkout the Roslyn Road & Salem Ridge blog ( It's produced by Margaret Myatt-Slivers (Glen Class of 1969). Mags has 120 photos from the neighborhood posted there now - if you remember that neighborhood and kids like the Bennett's, Stanley-Brown's, Silvers', Daly's, Henckler's, Samson's, Ege's, Demick's, Knight's, Knies', Vandervoort's, McDaniel's, Smith's (so many!!) you will love it!!

If you remember any of these fantastic parents you will get a kick out of the hippy party and other themed parties, the ski weekends, the father-son baseball game, Hank in the Memorial Day Parade - priceless stuff!

Margaret's dad - Sam Silvers - took and catalouged an extensive amount of photographs and Margaret has been retrieving them from her dad's scrapbooks. Its so great that we have this record of such a fun time to grow-up. Margaret and Hank Henckler have really come through! Ken deGruchy too has some incredible stuff including possibly the record of the song that was sung in the 1962 parent production called "No Space Like Home" and home movies. Stay tuned and check back often - you just never know!
Be sure to comment on Margaret's photos and let her know what you think - add memories, names, etc.

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